A Recovery Coach promotes recovery and removes barriers and obstacles to recovery, serving as a personal guide and mentor for people seeking or already in recovery from an addiction to alcohol and or other drugs. They are not affiliated with any one pathway of recovery.
Path to Recovery Foundation offers one on one (peer to peer) coaching for both those that struggle with Substance Use Disorders and those who are affected by Substance Use Disorder (Wife/Husband, Mother/Father, Significant Other, Siblings, etc)
Thanks to generous funding from our community partners most of our services are free or reduced cost
Family Recovery Coaching
We provide families that are faced with a loved one struggling with Substance Use Disorder a 16 Week Family to Family structured program to help those who have a loved one struggling with substance use disorder.
Our goal is to help by using a strength based, supportive approach the program is designed to teach families how to sustain a healthy approach to their own recovery.
Email: help@pathtorecoveryfoundation.org
Call: 630-962-9652
Individual Recovery Coaching
We offer a 16 Week Peer to Peer structured program to help those who struggle with substance use disorder.
Our goal is to help those seeking recovery or new to recovery by using a strength based, supportive approach the program is designed to teach participants how to sustain long term recovery.
Email: help@pathtorecoveryfoundation.org
Call: 630-962-9652
Deb Lewin, Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS)
Deb Lewin (Executive Director) co-founded PATH in 2014 after her journey with her own Family,. She is a certified Family Support Specialist as well certified in First Aid Mental Health and SMART Recovery. Deb is a trained Recovery Coach and a member of the HOPE Taskforce in DuPage County. Her passion for helping people struggling with Substance use and for their families has been instrumental in the development of The Path Recovery Community Center in Naperville, IL.
Recovery Status (Family Member, Friend, Ally, Person in Recovery, etc): Family Member
Favorite Recovery Related Quote or Your Own Quote about Recovery: BELIEVE
Best Thing About Recovery: The best thing about Family Recovery is all of us being whole again.
Allan Broderick, Trained Recovery Coach
I didn’t get this my first time , with repeated attempts and an open mind to take suggestions and turn those suggestions into action, I started on my road to recovery . With daily maintenance and surrender I’m able to stay in sobriety . Thanks to all who helped!
Recovery Status (Family Member, Friend, Ally, Person in Recovery, etc): Person in Recovery
Favorite Recovery Related Quote or Your Own Quote about Recovery: The only thing I need to know about my higher power is that it isn’t me!!
Best Thing About Recovery:
Freedom from active addiction . And a choice to make better decision based on that freedom . I have a life today that’s worth living . Wouldn’t trade it for anything
Michelle Flynn, Trained Recovery Coach
My name is Michelle and I am in long term recovery. What that means to me is I have not had a drink since Oct 18, 2019. I honestly did not think I had a problem, not even after 20-25 years of having my life revolve around “when I will drink next”. Instead, I took serious inventory of my life around my 50th birthday and when I was honest with myself about how little I had accomplished compared to others, I began to wonder if it were my drinking. So, I decided to stop “and just see” – and 3 years later, I can tell you that I truly did have a big problem. And alcohol robbed me of living up to my full capabilities – it robbed me of a lot of time that I cannot get back. But, now I have my future and the ability to help others that are similar to how I was (walking around with wine in my coffee cup) and my future is very promising with the poison that deflated my capabilities.
Recovery Status (Family Member, Friend, Ally, Person in Recovery, etc): Person in Recovery
Favorite Recovery Related Quote or Your Own Quote about Recovery: You hold the pen to your own story – Write well and Edit often
Best Thing About Recovery:
SOOOO many things!! But mainly I have a grip on my anxiety. I realize I can do the things I could not accomplish while drinking: I now have friends, a successful full-time career, and a beautiful life I could not see prior to the alcohol haze lifting. I have learned to take a deep breath and take on life’s up and downs. Life will never be easy – as that is what life is about- but putting down the alcohol has led me to be able to ride the ups & downs like a human being again.
Rena Humbert, Trained Recovery Coach
Rena Humbert has been an active member of PATH To Recovery since 2014. Her passion to help others stemmed from her own experience through her son’s journey with drugs and the positive relationship they built while he sought out recovery. Tragically after almost 2 years of being substance free, her son relapsed and died after finding out he had contracted HIV from a dirty needle he had used prior to getting clean. Since then, she has been involved with community and national events to end drug related stigmas. She has also engaged in training about recovery in multiple different formats, including becoming a Recovery Coach through CCAR. Rena’s work with people in need and/or their families, focuses on cooperative strategies to help people avoid relapses when unforeseen life challenges occur.
Recovery Status (Family Member, Friend, Ally, Person in Recovery, etc): Family Member
Favorite Recovery Related Quote or Your Own Quote about Recovery: We can only keep what we have by giving it away.
Best Thing About Recovery: The journey of the possibilities that are now opened up because drugs or alcohol are no longer standing in the way. Knowing that if we can achieve something so difficult as recovery, there’s very little we can’t do now and can begin to accomplish things we’ve never thought possible before.
Leslie Kawar, Trained Recovery Coach
Leslie’s involvement with the recovery community began six years ago when she discovered that her middle child became addicted to prescription medication. Her personal journey has confirmed the adage that “addiction is a family disease”; and she is passionate about supporting and educating the loved ones of those suffering from substance use disorder. In addition to serving as Vice President of the Path to Recovery Foundation Board, Leslie is also a member of the Public Benefits Team with Loaves and Fishes Community Services, A St Vincent DePaul “Vincentian” through her parish, member of 100 Women Who Care Naperville as well as a board member of Quito Barrio Outreach. Prior to her volunteer efforts, for over eighteen years Leslie worked with a number of corporations, both large and small as Director of Customer Relations. Leslie is certified as a SMART Recovery facilitator and as a native Spanish speaker, she is available to assist anyone with a language barrier.
Recovery Status (Family Member, Friend, Ally, Person in Recovery, etc): Family Member
Favorite Recovery Related Quote or Your Own Quote about Recovery: “I alone can do it….but I can’t do it alone”
Best Thing About Recovery: The beautiful life that awaits you, once you break free.
Rob Kubiak, Trained Recovery Coach
Rob is a recovering alcoholic/addict himself, who struggled with substance abuse for twenty years and was in and out of more than nineteen treatment centers before getting sober in 2017. He is active in the recovery community and passionate about working with others struggling with addiction to help them live happy and productive lives.
Recovery Status (Family Member, Friend, Ally, Person in Recovery, etc): Person in Recovery
Favorite Recovery Related Quote or Your Own Quote about Recovery: Pride builds walls between people, humility builds bridges.
Best Thing About Recovery: I came into it with the goal of just learning how to stop using and I got that, but what I also got was an entire design for living and today I have peace of mind, serenity and am happy. My life is a thousand times better than ever thought it could it be as a result.
Leo Zarko, Trained Recovery Coach
I’m a retired person who has almost 31 years sobriety. I know the difficulties of substance abuse and the destruction it can cause. My life has been filled with tragedies and triumphs. I do my best to remain positive and achieve my goals. I’d like to show others that sobriety can be achieved and that recovery is real. Apart from that I’m an author and I have a lot of artistic endeavors. Everyone has aspirations and I’d like to help them find that. I think of yesterday as a learning experience and today starting a new. I don’t know that there is any reward for helping others or not that’s not what I’m seeking. What I’d like to accomplish is having someone not have to go through as many difficult trials. Hope is the key word and we all have that capacity so that’s what I’d like to instill. I want others to be physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. I’m 63 years old and it’s time to give back.
Melissa Wishecoby, Trained Recovery Coach
Melissa Wishecoby is a person in long term recovery with over six years drug and alcohol free. In 2015 she started working as a manager for Stairway to Freedom recovery homes and was promoted in 2017 to Director of Women’s Services. Melissa’s personal experience in recovery, as well as growing up in a family struggling with substance use disorders, provides a unique insight to the work she does every day. Melissa works with people entering recovery from all backgrounds and lengths of time; from entering and navigating the treatment space to celebrating years of continuous recovery. Melissa has helped hundreds of people through their recovery journeys, guiding them through every obstacle and triumph along the way. Melissa is thrilled to enter the world of one-on-one recovery coaching, where she hopes to help more people forge their own way towards a life in recovery in a more individualized approach. Melissa lives in the Chicagoland area with her two dogs Jett, and Bennie.
Recovery Status (Family Member, Friend, Ally, Person in Recovery, etc): Person in Recovery
Favorite Recovery Related Quote or Your Own Quote about Recovery: Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.
Best Thing About Recovery: Building a life beyond anything I could have imagined for myself.
Donald Hamilton, Trained Recovery Coach
I hit rock bottom in my life, everything I tried led me deeper and deeper into a dark hole in my world. It was only when I was introduced to Recovery that my reason for living became crystal clear and my assignment was revealed. Give back what was freely given to you.
Recovery Status (Family Member, Friend, Ally, Person in Recovery, etc): Person in Recovery
Favorite Recovery Related Quote or Your Own Quote about Recovery: Recovery is the gift that keeps on giving. Recovery is the only oxymoron that you have to give it away in order to keep it.
Best Thing About Recovery: Recovery has allowed me to renew my life as a productive member of society. I have choices today that brings me joy.
Frequently Asked Questions??
How does the Coaching Work?
We offer both Family Recovery Coaching and Individual Recovery Coaching. The first step to getting started with a coach is to reach out to us via email (help@pathtorecoveryfoundation.org) or giving us a call at 630-962-9652.
After our initial conversation with you, we will send you an intake form where you will tell us a little more about you and your situation and pick your coach. Once we receive the intake form we will do our best to match you with your choice of coach.
You will then receive an introduction email from our staff and it will be up to you and your new coach to schedule your first meeting and the follow up meetings for the next 16 weeks.
How much does the 16 Week Recovery Coaching Program Cost?
The total program cost is $480, which is roughly $30 per week. We do offer a sliding scale as well if needed. Scholarships are available, please reach out if you need assistance.
PATH to Recovery Foundation is a 501c3 and all of the money will be used to pay our coaching staff and to continue our mission to help those find their path to recovery.